Edge Apps

Edge Apps is a framework for building and running content for your digital signage screens. Inspired by Serverless movement, Edge Apps enables you to build sophisticated digital signage content without the need for running your own infrastructure.

If you're familiar with Heroku, Cloudflare Workers, or any similar technology, you'll feel right at home with Edge Apps.

Getting Started

First, you need to install the Screenly CLI. The CLI is used to both generate and upload Edge Apps.

With the CLI installed and logged in (screenly login), we can create our "Hello World" example.

To do this, first create a new directory where the Edge App will reside. For production applications, this would likely be a source-controlled folder (e.g., git), but for now, let's create a temporary folder with:

$ mkdir -p ~/tmp/edge-app
$ cd ~/tmp/edge-app

Create an Edge App

$ screenly edge-app create --name hello-world

When you run the screenly edge-app create command, two files will be created in the current directory:

screenly.yml contains the metadata. In this file, you can define settings, secrets, and various other metadata. In our "Hello World" example, we have a single setting called greeting, which is used in the Edge App.

index.html is our entry point. It is what the client (i.e., the player) will load. This particular file is very simple and just includes some styling and various metadata examples.

Playground Edge Apps

Getting started with our existing Playground Edge Apps can help ease your introduction to Edge Apps development. To test your skills, first clone our Playground GitHub Repository ( After cloning, navigate to one of the example Playground Edge App folders and execute the following command:

For instance, if our target is the Clock App, enter the directory (Playground/edge-apps/clock) and execute:

$ screenly edge-app create --name "My Groundbreaking Clock App" --in-place

Note the --in-place parameter. This is necessary when creating an app with existing screenly.yml and index.html files, as our Playground Edge Apps do. Otherwise, you'll encounter errors about conflicting files. This parameter is not mandatory if you are creating a brand new Edge App; it’s just here to make your developer life a little bit easier.

Upload the Edge App

$ screenly edge-app upload

To use this Edge App, first upload it using the upload command. This will automatically create a new version (you can see your versions using screenly edge-app version list). After the Edge App is successfully uploaded, promote it to a channel (stable or candidate) to use it on the player.

Promote the Edge App

The upload command only uploads the Edge App and its assets to the server. To make it available for screens, you need to promote it. This way, it will be available for further processing. shell $ screenly edge-app version promote --latest

Edge app version successfully promoted.

Once you have promoted a release, you can start using it. If you head over to your Screenly web console, you should see your Edge App listed. Schedule it as you would with a regular asset.

With the asset scheduled on your screen, you should see the headline "Hello Stranger!". This is actually a setting configured in screenly.yml. You can override this using the edge-app setting command to change it.

Modify the Greeting

$ screenly edge-app setting set greeting='Cowboy Neil'

It might take a few minutes for your screen to pick up the change, but once it does, the headline should change from "Hello Stranger!" to "Hello Cowboy Neil!".

Creating an Edge App

To create an Edge App, you need to use the CLI and invoke it using edge-app create <name>. This will fire off a number of API calls and create a file called screenly.yml in the current directory, as well as a sample index.html file.

To create an Edge App, simply run:

$ screenly edge-app create --name <name>

Once you have initiated your Edge App, you can start adding content. We make a few assumptions about your Edge App:

Other than that, you can develop your Edge App just like you would do with a regular static HTML site. You can break out JavaScript, CSS, images, etc., into separate files and include them as you normally would.

Uploading an Edge App

To upload your Edge App to Screenly, you use the edge-app upload command. This will copy all files in the current directory and generate a release.

When you upload subsequent releases, you'll notice a few more things:

Upload an edge app from the current directory:

$ screenly edge-app upload

Edge Apps Versions

You can list all Edge Apps in a given account, along with their versions with the edge-app version list command. This will also tell you what version is the current version.

List Edge Apps (and versions)

$ screenly edge-app version list
| Revision | Description | Published |
| 1        |             | ✅        |

Using version list, you can determine what the 'Active Revision' is. This is the version that corresponds to the asset that is currently showing on your screen(s).

To promote a new release, you can use the version promote command. This will automatically deploy the version you've specified. To roll back, you can promote the previous version.

You also have the option to use --latest to employ the most recent version of the app.

Promote a version

$ screenly edge-app version promote \
    --revision=1 \
Promote 1 of Edge App 'Weather App' (XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX)? (y/n)

Promote to latest version

$ edge-app version promote --latest

Delete a version

$ screenly edge-app version delete v2
Delete v2 of Edge App 'Weather App' (XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX)? (y/n)

Manifest File

The manifest file defines various properties of an Edge App and is loosely inspired by the Chrome extension manifest file, but uses YAML (specifically StrictYAML).

When you create a new Edge App using the CLI (screenly edge-app create --name <APP NAME>), a manifest file named screenly.yaml is automatically created in the current directory.

Manifest Reference

entrypoint: index.html
description: 'Displays the current weather and time'
icon: ''
author: 'Screenly, Inc'
homepage_url: ''
    type: secret
    title: API Key
    optional: false
    help_text: Specify a commercial Google Maps API key. Required due to the app's map feature.
    type: string
    default_value: "Cowboy Neil"
    title: greeting
    optional: true
    help_text: An example of a string setting that is used in index.html

Edge Apps can have settings, which are key-value pairs that users installing the app must provide at install time and can later edit. The values in these settings are exposed to the app via environment variables or secrets. There are two types of settings:

Each setting may have a default value, an optional flag indicating if it's required, a human-readable title, and help text to assist users in configuring the app.


Defining a Setting

To define a setting, you can use the following structure in your manifest file:

    type: string
    default_value: "Cowboy Neil"
    title: greeting
    optional: true
    help_text: An example of a string setting that is used in index.html

Setting a Setting

You can set a setting using the following command:

$ screenly edge-app setting set greeting='Cowboy John'

This will output:

Edge app setting successfully set.

Getting Settings

To list the current settings, use the following command:

$ screenly edge-app setting list

This will output:

| Title    | Value       | Default value | Optional | Type   | Help text                                                 |
| greeting | Cowboy John | Cowboy Neil   | Yes      | string | An example of a string setting that is used in index.html |

Using Settings in Your Edge App

To use the settings in your Edge App, include them in your HTML or JavaScript files as follows:

<script src="screenly.js?version=1"></script>
    document.getElementById("greeting").innerText = screenly.settings.greeting;

Settings are key-value pairs that users installing the app must provide at install time and can later edit.


Defining a Secret

To define a secret, use the following structure in your configuration file:

    type: secret
    title: API Key
    optional: false
    help_text: An example of an API key

Setting a Secret

You can set a secret using the following command:

$ screenly edge-app secret set api_key='ABC123'

This will output:

Edge app secret successfully set.

Getting Secrets

To list the current secrets, use the following command:

$ screenly edge-app secret list

This will output:

| Title   | Optional | Help text                |
| api_key | No       | An example of an API key |

Using Secrets in Your Edge App

Secrets can be used in your HTML or JavaScript files in a similar way to settings:

<script src="screenly.js?version=1"></script>
    document.getElementById("api-key").innerText = screenly.settings.api_key;

Security Model

Screenly's secrets function similarly to settings but with enhanced security measures. They are write-only, meaning they cannot be retrieved via the API or web interface once written.

Secrets are defined in screenly.yml, but their values are not set within the manifest file. Instead, they are securely managed through the Edge App.

Transmission and Storage Security

Secrets ensure that sensitive data is securely managed and transmitted, providing robust security for your applications.


Sample Edge App Use

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <script src="screenly.js?version=1"></script>
  <body >
      <p>I'm <span id="screen-name"></span>.</p>
    document.getElementById("screen-name").innerText = screenly.metadata.screen_name;

In many scenarios, you may need to utilize metadata within your Edge Apps. For example, you might want to develop a wayfinding app that shows the location of the screen and directs users to a specific destination.

Since each screen inherently possesses a wealth of information about itself, including its geographical location, we've made this data accessible within the Edge App framework.

This metadata includes:

Edge App emulator

After creating your Edge App, you can use the Edge App emulator to test it in your web browser.

Run Edge App emulator

$ screenly edge-app run

This command will provide you with a URL to access your Edge App in your browser.

If you don't have sample data in your Edge App directory, you can create it by running this command:

Add mock data to run Edge App emulator

$ screenly edge-app run --generate-mock-data

After generating the mock data, run the Edge App emulator again to see your app in action.


Coming soon.

Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)

Cross-origin resource sharing is a mechanism that allows restricted resources on a web page to be accessed from another domain outside the domain from which the first resource was served. Some APIs, particularly public ones, use CORS to restrict access. Sometimes you need to bypass CORS. To do this, we provide you with a handy CORS proxy mitigation strategy.

The way it works is very straightforward. Instead of accessing the API directly from JavaScript, you access it via the CORS proxy. The CORS proxy removes the CORS policy so that you can circumvent the restriction.

For instance, if you're trying to access the API endpoint, but it has a CORS policy preventing access, you can bypass this policy using the CORS proxy built into Edge Apps. Here's how you can modify your code to use the CORS proxy:

<script src="screenly.js?version=1"></script>
    cost api_url = '';
    cost bypass_cors_url = screenly.cors_proxy_url + api_url;

In the example code snippet above, replace api_url with bypass_cors_url to interface with the API as usual through the CORS proxy.


Monitoring is in invite-only beta.

When developing Edge Apps, it's crucial to monitor the performance of the device running the app. This is especially important for low-powered devices, such as Raspberry Pis, where resources are limited.

To assist with monitoring, we have chosen Prometheus as the platform to expose metrics.

When monitoring is enabled, the device exposes Prometheus metrics at port 9100, utilizing Node Exporter. This enables you to scrape metrics and visualize them using tools like Grafana, which can be integrated seamlessly with Screenly for visualization purposes (learn more about Grafana integration with Screenly).


Runtime Environment

Security is at the core of Edge Apps, and several measures have been implemented to ensure their security.

Browser Sandboxing

Edge Apps run inside the browser within appropriate security profiles, ensuring a sandboxed environment.

Isolated Runtime Environment

The Edge App runtime environment itself is isolated, preventing Edge Apps from communicating or accessing files/data from another Edge App. This isolation extends not only to files and environment data (such as settings) but also to secrets.